
BEITRÄGE WORKSHOP: »Re/Dissolution. Learning from Pixels«

28. – 29.06. 2018
AdBK München


Hören Sie hier die Beiträge des Workshops, ausgerichtet vom Teilprojekt Mimetische Existenzweisen



Simone Niquille: Parametric Truth: Selective Resolution in CGI Evidence Production

Marcus Burkhardt: Artificial Intelligence and its Discomforts: On Being Too Visible and Not Being Seen Well Enough


Legacy Russell: Glitch Feminism: Cosmic Bodies & Ghosting on the Corporeal


Antoinette Rouvroy: «Dissolution» in the (Dis)society of Quantifiable Signals and Algorithms


Marek Jancovic: It’s All a Blur: Uncertainty, Fourier Analysis and the Deep Time of Media


Rosa Menkman: Beyond Resolution


Elisa Linseisen: High Re/Solution. Epistemological Zooming and Scale Immanence