

Learning from Pixels
28.-29. 6. 2018  // MUNICH


Academy of Fine Arts Munich


The German word “Auflösung” refers to both the resolution of an image, the technical term for its assembled constituents – digitally implemented: its amount of pixels – and to dissolution: of sugar in water, of people in laughter or tears, of objects or details merging with the background. The workshop Re/Dissolution aims to investigate this double meaning not as a coincidence but as a real connection between an increasingly greater resolution of an image with its high amount of pixels, promising a sharper image or a visual “higher definition,” and the dissolution in this very process where single pixels become less and less visible as they dissolve into millions of other pixels around them. While “sharpness” brings up an alleged phenomenological indication to see more details of an object and to differentiate it from its surrounding, it also entails a loss of distinction when focusing on the pixels rather than the assembled object. …


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Programme (updated version!)


// Thursday, 28.06.18


Sebastian Althoff // Munich & Elisa Linseisen // Bochum


Simone Niquille // Amsterdam
Parametric Truth: Selective Resolution in CGI Evidence Production


Marcus Burkhardt // Siegen
Artificial Intelligence and its Discomforts: On Being Too Visible and Not Being Seen Well Enough


Legacy Russell // New York/London
Glitch Feminism: Cosmic Bodies & Ghosting on the Corporeal


18:00 Keynote
Antoinette Rouvroy // Namur
«Dissolution» in the (Dis)society of Quantifiable Signals and Algorithms

Moderation: Maria Muhle // Munich


// Friday, 29.06.18


Marek Jancovic // Mainz
It’s All a Blur: Uncertainty, Fourier Analysis and the Deep Time of Media


Rosa Menkman // Amsterdam
Beyond Resolution


Zach Blas // London


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For registration and further information please contact:

Sebastian Althoff / Academy of Fine Arts Munich / althoff@adbk.mhn.de
Elisa Linseisen / Ruhr-University Bochum / elisa.linseisen@rub.de